Seasons greetings!
I cannot believe another year has come and almost gone. Another year that I have had the honour and privilege to represent you, the loving, supportive and kind people of my home constituency of Newlands.
2023 has been filled with many changes. I know some of the developments within our country this year has left some of you feeling uncertain, anxious, disillusioned, perhaps sad and angry. I urge you to press pause on any negative emotions and just enjoy the beauty of this season and count your blessings. I’m sure we can all think of a few. Let’s leave our troubles for another day.
Christmas in Cayman is such a special time. Even with all the busyness that threatens to overwhelm us, there is a real sense of community that seems to intensify around this time of year. There’s an increased desire to connect with one another and find time to share age-old traditions or create some new ones.
The Christmas season brings with it feelings of hope, joy, peace and love which I believe stems from the origin of the holiday – the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In all we do, let us all remember the reason for the season.
I also recognise that Christmas is a challenging time, a sad time for many. There are families in our community who are mourning the loss of loved ones. Their pain is real, and it is deep. My family understands that pain intimately. I urge you to reach out to those individuals, to extend some extra love and compassion to them during this difficult time. This is what true community is; it is the embodiment of the ‘Community Creates Country’ philosophy and an attitude we should embrace year-round.
For those who are challenged this time of year I would like to include a link to an article included in the latest Alex Panton Foundation newsletter titled Nurturing Your Wellbeing, a guide to holiday mental health – I found it to be full of some great and helpful advice.
Speaking of community, we’ve been busy elves here in our neighbourhoods, fully embracing the Christmas spirit. We recently did our Christmas Caravan outreach to children and families as well as a party for our seniors. Thank you to everyone who made those events a success. I’m so grateful for your assistance.
To wrap up the Christmas season, I want to invite you to join us for our Newlands and Savannah New Year’s celebration on Saturday, 30 December at the Newlands dock. Expect an evening of food, games and fireworks starting at 6pm. I’m looking forward to seeing you all and spending some time with you.
My hope for you in this coming year is that you will not lose your faith in humanity. As we look around at what’s going on in our little piece of paradise – and around the world – it would be so easy to become jaded, throw our hands up and say, “what’s the point?”
I urge you not to grow weary in doing good and not to give up on your fellow man. There are still good people doing good things in our community, in our country. Focus on those persons, and at the same time continue to find ways to be the change you want to see. I know I am more committed than ever to the people and the needs of my constituency and to the important work of the nation. I hope you’ll join me.
On behalf of myself, Jane and Cody, I want to wish you all a safe, blessed and merry Christmas.